Pricing for Product Listings on

Product with One Image and Contact Information

Includes one image, phone number, contact form linking to email, website link, and email.

Number of ProductsMonthly Price per ProductCampaign Duration (Months)Monthly PriceDiscountTotal Price with Discount
10001.36 BGN11360 BGN0.00 BGN1360 BGN

Product with Three Images and Contact Information

Includes three images, phone number, contact form linking to email, website link, and email.

Number of ProductsMonthly Price per ProductCampaign Duration (Months)Monthly PriceDiscountTotal Price with Discount
10001.90 BGN11900 BGN0.00 BGN1900 BGN

Note: For product counts under 1000, the offer price is multiplied by 2.

Additional Services

Service DescriptionPricePayment Method
Product with one image and phone number0.93 BGNMonthly
Product with three images2.40 BGNMonthly
Scanning of image0.80 BGNOne-time
Image processing1.00 BGNOne-time
Contact form linking to email0.05 BGNMonthly
Link to website0.15 BGNMonthly
Email0.05 BGNMonthly

Product images and descriptions are provided to the client in digital form. Additional charges apply for scanning and processing as per company rates. When publishing 100 or more offers for less than 3 months, an initial inclusion fee of 200.00 BGN is charged. If the client extends the publication period beyond 3 months, this initial fee will be waived and deducted from subsequent payments. For offer counts under 100, the initial inclusion fee of 200.00 BGN is non-refundable regardless of the publication period.

Banner Positions and Link Prices on

Homepage and Internal Pages Banner Positions:

  • Position 1: Banner size 468×60 px, 12 BGN for 1000 impressions
PositionImpressionsPrice for 1080 Impressions
1100012 BGN
  • Position 2: Banner size 300×250 px, 15 BGN for 1000 impressions
PositionImpressionsPrice for 1080 Impressions
2100015 BGN
  • Position 3: Banner size 120×600 px, 70 BGN for 5000 impressions on the homepage and selected categories
PositionImpressionsPrice for 5100 Impressions
3500070 BGN

Offer Conditions

The offer is valid with a 50% advance payment, with the remaining 50% due one calendar month after the initial payment date. A 100% advance payment grants an additional bonus of one month of free advertising and free creation of an animated banner.

Statistical data on the number of impressions is accurate as of 01.07.2007, reflecting 100% banner position occupancy at that date. As the number of banner impressions continuously increases, any additional impressions beyond those in the offer will be charged according to the company’s price list.

For non-relevant advertising requests, all banner and link prices are doubled.

The offer is valid until 31.12.2008. All prices listed are exclusive of VAT.

Bank Payment Information: “Online Media Group” Ltd.


  • IBAN: BG59BPBI79401059899401